Monday, May 28, 2007

SUPER PRESIDENT: Just who elected this guy anyway? But I would've voted for him!!!

In 1967, Lyndon Baines Johnson was in The White House, but, to me, the true President of the US was James Norcross, the hero who fought numerous weird villains on television as SUPER PRESIDENT!!!
The character, whose uniform resembled that of the DC COMICS super-hero, THE ATOM, but with different colors, also had powers similar to a DC COMICS character, namely, METAMORPHO: THE ELEMENT MAN.
President Norcross, who had an aide named "Jerry", definitely reminded me of the slain John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963, when I was a mere ten years of age, and my family just adored JFK, this may be part of why I loved watching SUPER PRESIDENT.
I do not have any episodes of SUPER PRESIDENT in my video collection, but I will obtain some recordings of this Depatie-Freleng program one of these days!!!
"Jerry, get the Omni-Car!".

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